Pelican Wire has done a thorough review of the Critical Infrastructure Sectors, as defined by the United States Department of Homeland Security and have concluded we are categorized as an “Essential” business. Pelican Wire products support the following Critical Infrastructure Sectors: Defense Industrial Base, Energy, Critical Manufacturing, Transportation, and Healthcare. We have determined we are a “critical and essential business” and will continue the sale, production and distribution of our wire products to our global customer list. We recognize our supply chain partners and vendors as part of that “Essential” business designation and are counting on their continued product support.

Throughout this process, we have made the necessary operational changes to our production staffing, work-from-home policies, and on-site employee protection policies and assure you our intent is to remain 100% operational during this time. Our production schedule and office hours remain normal and our leadership team will continue to meet daily to review all circumstances. Any updates or changes in our manufacturing policies or procedures will be announced on our website News page.

Thank you for your continued support. We wish for you and your family’s safety & peace in this challenging time. Please contact us directly at (239) 597-8555 or [email protected] if we can do anything further to assist you.