Wire Experts Group, the parent company to Pelican Wire in Naples, Florida and Rubadue Wire in Loveland, Colorado, is adding an additional benefit to their corporate Wellness program to address Covid vaccinations. Beginning March 12th, the HR Departments at both locations began distributing $150 gift cards to each employee-owner who completed the Covid vaccination process.
Pelican Wire Human Resources officer, Amy Foster, states “Through partnerships with organizations such as Florida Blue and Case Benefits, we provide not only all-inclusive insurance benefits and family leave, but also a myriad of wellness programs to our employee-owners. These include paid gym memberships, managed weight loss systems, smoking cessation programs, nutritional partnerships and easy access to various medical and emergency resources for immediate support. Updating our program offerings to include Covid vaccinations during this critical time was the next logical step in protecting our employee-owners and their families, who are truly the heartbeat of our organization.”
Ted Bill, Wire Experts CEO, says “I am very optimistic the USA is on the right track with Covid-19 vaccinations. From the outset of this pandemic, we have proactively worked to do everything possible to protect our employee-owners and their families. So naturally, we are strongly encouraging every member of our team to get vaccinated. Our leaders are showing the way by being the first to be vaccinated and we’ve created the program to simply express that encouragement in a meaningful way. I’m sure I speak for most of us when I say I am looking forward to the day masks are no longer needed and we can get back to more in-person meetings!”
Ted Bill Amy Foster
ABOUT WIRE EXPERTS GROUP: Wire Experts Group invests in unique and unparalleled capabilities in Wire and Cable industry. We use a common business platform that allows for our individual brands to be successful in their markets, while taking advantage of economies of scale and depth of experience. Through employee-ownership, Wire Experts Group allows its most important stakeholders, its employees, to directly benefit from the success of the business. Contact them at (239) 597-8555 or online at WireExperts.com.
Press Release available at:
Media Contact: Trent Dunn, [email protected] or (239) 325-0124.
Wire Experts Group
3650 Shaw Blvd.
Naples, FL 34117
(239) 597-8555