There are currently 21 names in this directory beginning with the letter L.
A liquid resin or compound applied to textile braid to prevent fraying, moisture absorption, etc.
Lay Direction
The direction in which the wires of a conductor are twisted, or the twist of conductors in a cable.
Lay Length
The length measured along the axis of a wire or cable required for a single strand (in stranded wire) or conductor (in cable) to make one complete turn about the axis of the conductor or cable.
Life Cycle
A test to determine the length of time before failure in a controlled, usually accelerated, environment.
Limited Smoke
A conductor rating that indicates the product has passed tests for low smoke production, short flame travel and duration.
Limits of Error
The maximum deviation (in degrees of percent) of a thermocouple or thermocouple extension wire from standard emf-temperature to be measured.
Conductors or other equipment included in a list published by a national recognized testing laboratory.
Litz Wire
a stranded (bunched) or cabled conductor made of magnet wire in which each strand is insulated from every other strand.
Local Area Network (LAN)
A baseband or broadband, interactive, bi-directional, communication system for information exchange on a common transmission line.
Longitudinal Shield
A tape shield, flat or corrugated, applied longitudinally with the axis of the core being shielded
Loop Resistance
The total resistance of two conductors measured round trip from one end. Commonly used term in the thermocouple industry.
Low Loss Dielectric
An insulation material that has a relatively low dielectric loss, such as polyethylene or fluoropolymer.